How Rabbit Tricked the Buzzards

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ISBN-13: 9781570674259
Arvis Boughman
MaryBeth Timothy (Illustrated by)
February 25, 2025
Paperback Picture Book  
| 40 pages

Juvenile Fiction / Indigenous / Animal Stories  / Animals / Rabbits / Indigenous Peoples of Turtle Island

When the buzzards refused to share the warmth of their fire, Rabbit devised a plan to not only get warm, but share the warmth with other animals.

Long ago, when the buzzards were keepers of the fire, they were very stingy. On a frigid winter night Rabbit was freezing, he pleaded with the buzzards to share the warmth of their fire. The buzzards refused, yelling “This is our fire!” The playful Northwest Wind saw rabbit hopping slowly away, it decided to play tricks on Rabbit to make him even colder. Rabbit realized that If he wanted to get warm, and share the warmth with the other animals, he must come up with a clever plan.

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