Can We Talk?

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ISBN-13: 9781459838727
:How Humans Stay in Touch
Maria Birmingham
Xulin (Illustrated by)
Series: Orca Timeline (#8)
March 11, 2025
Hardcover Paper over boards  
| 96 pages

Juvenile Nonfiction / Social Science  / Technology / Inventions / Science & Nature / Discoveries


Part of the nonfiction Orca Timeline series for middle-grade readers, this illustrated book examines how humans have communicated over time.
Let’s talk.

We don’t think much about our ability to communicate. We simply have a conversation, make a call, send a text or use sign language to share information. But how was human language invented? And when?

Communication is a way for us to express ourselves, share information and maintain relationships with others. Hundreds of years ago, humans needed to communicate to hunt, farm and defend against threats. Today, thanks to satellites and computers, we can communicate in an instant with just about anyone on Earth. Can We Talk? examines the evolution of human communication—from the theories about how spoken language began to the technological advances that connect the world now.

The epub edition of this title is fully accessible.

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